Personal and Professional Skills

For Individuals we offer training programs which are exclusively made for you to effectively perform in your personal and professional arena. Undoubtedly, these programs will enhance your skills and give you a cutting edge over others.

Programme - Employment Ready

(Duration 2 days)

Do you fear an interview?
Do presentations make you nervous?
Is expressing yourself in English – an issue?
Do GDs make you lose your voice?

A 2 day program conducted by thorough professionals that will equip you with the skills to address all the above issues and more with a unique -Lights, Camera, Action approach. At the end of 2 days you will have discovered a whole new you- a you that believes in self, makes an impact in all interactions and has the competitive edge.

For whom - Students / Individuals seeking employment.


  • Self- reflection(values and beliefs)
  • Build lasting First Impressions
  • Brand You and Corporate Connect
    • Resume writing
    • How to crack an interview
    • Being confident in a Group Discussion
    • Overcoming the fear of lack


  • Learn how to present yourself in a more appealing manner.
  • Showcase your true personality with enhanced confidence.
  • Acquire skills to crack an interview and to confidently conduct yourself in a Group Discussion overcoming any fears of lack.