Personal and Professional Skills

Programme - Communication skills

(Duration 1 day)

For whom - Individuals / Corporate Employees


  • What is communication?
  • Elements of communication
  • What you say – The words you choose
  • How do you say it- manner of speaking
  • Intonation/Voice modulation
  • Sounding energetic and enthusiastic
  • Posture/gestures: Importance of body language
  • Impact of tone and body language
  • Questioning skills- The art of Probing
  • Listening skills and handling interruptions
  • Listening with empathy
  • Listening with your entire body
  • Feedback


  • Understanding the importance of communication
  • Learn to communicate in a clear and concise manner
  • Learn how to use your voice and body language to clearly convey your message
  • Learn to ask the relevant questions without coming across as being offensive
  • Learn the art of active listening which will help you respond appropriately
  • Importance of giving timely and specific feedback