Personal and Professional Skills

Brand You and Beyond

You are surrounded by people,be it in your personal,social and professional space.Brand You and Beyond training program in a nutshell will enhance your skills on how to conduct yourself in all these spaces.Apart from the contents of Brand You training programme, we will also cover additional skills in this program.

Programme - Brand You and Beyond

(Duration 2 days)

For whom - Individuals and Corporate employees


  • Self- reflection(values and beliefs)
  • Build lasting First Impressions
  • Brand You and your interaction with the other
  • How to develop a self confident attitude
  • Replace shyness with confidence
  • How to be assertive
  • Meet new people easily
  • Speak up, make your point and win support
  • Handle tough situations with composure
  • Deal effectively with disagreement
  • Let your can do attitude shine through
  • Build your Brand
  • Managing perceptions
  • Social/Phone etiquette


  • Present yourself in a more appealing manner.
  • Showcase your true personality by unleashing your attitude of confidence
  • Learn to be energetic and enthusiastic to determine the image you want to project
  • Learn assertive techniques to help you stand up for yourself and say “no” when necessary
  • Understand how perceptions are formed and the impact it has on you
  • Learn how to build your brand as opposed to diluting it
  • Learn social and phone etiquette to further Brand You