Corporate Skills

AchievinG Managerial Excellence

(Course duration depends on the requirement)

For whom - Supervisors Team Leaders, Managers


  • Leadership-Different styles of leadership
  • What is your style of leadership?
  • Why is motivation important?
  • Decision Making
  • Problem and root cause analysis
  • Communicating to lead
  • Business communication skills
  • Conflict management
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Recognizing human potential
  • Engaging your workforce
  • Delegating
  • Handling mistakes
  • Group Effectiveness
  • Team Work
  • Being a role model
  • Mentoring and coaching
  • Celebrating success
  • Achieving organizational results


    • Better understanding of your leaderhip style
    • Better understanding of managing and leading teams
    • To learn concepts and application of Leadership styles
    • To understand and apply Motivation at work place
    • To learn to make better Decisions
    • To be able to communicate effectively
    • To learn how to understand behavior and respond accordingly
    • Learn to be assertive and seek win-win outcomes
    • To understand and apply the concepts of Team Work
    • Learn how to engage your work force
    • Learn how to lead by example
    • Building your image as a strong and fair minded leader
    • Techniques to help you stand up for yourself and say ‘No” when required
    • Develop a winning attitude to be a successful leader